Resin or Composite Sheets

The dental improvement in composite or resin, is a very thin paste in the form of a sheet that the dentist places directly on the tooth without wearing down the dental enamel, it hardens with a halogen light, acquiring a hard consistency. Composite veneers are reversible, you can touch up or make any changes desired by the patient immediately after finishing the procedure.

For the realization of resin sheets it is necessary that your teeth are clean, without plaque (calculus) and without inflammation of the gums, for this reason it is necessary that oral hygiene be carried out previously (one week before the procedure).

Depending on the case, it may be necessary to cut the gums, which must be done 15 days before (at least) the placement of the resin or porcelain sheets.

The teeth must be aligned, otherwise the aesthetic effect will not be as desired and the blades could fail (total or partial fracture of the blade due to poor bite adjustment). If your teeth are misaligned it is better to start orthodontic treatment, so we can ensure that your treatment with resin sheets will be successful.

In most cases, the natural teeth are not worn down because the aim is to preserve the dental tissue. It is common that the application of anesthesia is not necessary unless you have a lot of sensitivity.


  • RESIN sheets will show a very natural appearance.
    They may have the color you choose at the time of the procedure.
  • RESIN sheets are performed in a single appointment of approximately 4 hours.
  • They tend to stain over time, either on the surface, around the gums, or between the teeth; but this will depend on the eating and cleaning habits of the patient. To prevent the sheets from staining, it is recommended that you brush your teeth every time you eat food, since if the teeth remain unwashed for more than 15 minutes, the stains will adhere.
  • RESIN sheets may appear less white over time for two reasons:

    1.Accumulation of bacterial plaque (calculi) and extrinsic stains (food, drinks and cigarettes).

    2.Sheet thickness wear. This can happen if brushing is very strong or if you use whitening toothpastes, since these generate a friction effect that wears down the sheet to the point that the yellow color of the natural tooth can be observed.

  • If the RESIN sheets look less white, you can make an appointment for a dental cleaning and see the color turn white again.
  • If even so the color does not look white, possibly your sheets are very worn and deserves the change for one or more new sheets.
  • Please note that RESIN sheets DO NOT change color; THEY GET STAINED if they don't have frequent and moderate oral hygiene habits.
  • They can break if you bite down on hard or rigid objects or food.
  • These sheets may lose their surface shine a little, especially in patients who consume citrus juices.
  • RESIN sheets can be reversible. That is, they can be retouched or any change desired by the patient can be made immediately after the procedure is finished.
  • The placement of these sheets does not generate any pain.
  • RESIN sheets have a durability between 2 to 5 years.


From the time the resin sheets are placed, it is important to take care of them to keep them in good condition for many years.

Plan how you want to look. Your smile is worth it!


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